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Search for a left EU criticism

While some NGOs connect the German EU Council Prosident with an appeal to more state intervention, some also remember the left EU criticism

"EU Council Prosident for better protection of European Urwalder", If a current demand of the environmental protection organization Robin Wood is.

The NGO has described vividly how a protest share looks for more state intervention:

On the 1. July has transferred Germany for six months the EU Presidency. During this time, a European forest strategy is worked at EU level. The Robin Wood petition requires a clear positioning from Julia Klockner to a strong forest strategy that provides the protection of the natural and Urwalder of Europe on forestry interests. It is important to mapping nature and Urwalder and liable to stop illegal logging and consistently pursue the clarification against laws of forest nature protection.

The handover was accompanied in the morning of a protest. On flagpoles in front of the ministry tensed two climbing activists an eight meter long banner. Depict on this is a chainstyle with 12 gold stars instead of sagging, which falls a tree as well as the requirement: "Save the European Primary Forests! — Saves the European Urwalder!" Under the banner Protected activist * inside scenic tree in front of threatening woodfall works.

Robin Wood

There was a time since climbing actions in the environmental movement were directed to prevent state maws, such as nuclear transporters or forest crushes, such as in the Hambacher forest or to stay a long time. In this tradition, the climbing campaigns of non-violent anarchist Cecile LeComte are still available today. But climbing campaigns for more state interventions, such as Robin Wood, have a long-way forward.

Already more than 20 years ago, Jorg Bergstedt recorded the way in his still available study agenda, Expo, sponsoring, which led some NGOs to demand a climate leader. An in the left long negative term as the emergency is suddenly diving in the claim catalog of protest movements.

And as Germany, the EU has become the objective of NGO’s reform hopes. Left criticism of the Real Existing EU is then usually wrong. On the contrary, the EU is even carried as an antipode of the nation states in the field. A prononcised EU friendliness is therefore an integral part of left-liberal circles. Criticism of the EU is then often quickly put in the right corner. After the German government seems to deviate from its strict ovity policy, with which the Greek Social Democrats of Syriza were forced to the knee in 2015, the DGB Board of Directors already from a quantum leap in the European fiscal policy. There is simply forgotten that German capital needs in the EU sales markets and their fiscal policy is oriented exactly.

Crisis gauge Germany

The long-term ATTAC activist Peter election has summarized this connection into a commentary for the daily newspaper New Germany:

In relation to the EU’s internal power architecture, Germany becomes a crisis gainman and can expand its dominance. This also does not require the planned recovery program that some for a turning point in German European politics. The DGB black even from one "Quantum leap". Here again the illusions break through that since three years regularly the "Social Europe" Summoned — Real always comes out the opposite. For Italy, 82 billion euros are planned. That’s better than nothing. But only the increase in Italian debts means in absolute numbers 560 billion. Euro. There is a rather the drawing of the official Brusseler Thinktanks Bruegel too that the maws "remain under what the catastrophic situation would require".

Peter choice

Choice is also some of the few who asks some questions that can be seen that he still remembers a time when there is a left EU criticism in Germany and an alternative to the status quo of the real existing EU and a back to the national staease has given.

But perhaps the crisis also offers reason for a basic debate about the future of the EU, incl. the so-called. Final. Are the "United States of Europe" An emancipatory project, or, like u.a. Rosa Luxembourg said a reactionar idea? For the social left, the opportunity to clarify that under the given force ratios "More Europe" Not only, as since Maastricht, more neoliberalism, more privatizations, more austerity means, but now more coefficient, more militar and more international confrontation. Finally, there is hardly a statement, in which Brussel does not go to coarse status.

Peter choice

The concept of sovereignty and glitter in vague

However, election also shows how narrow the ridge is between an emancipatory EU criticism and a drift in Souveranistic characteristics. He names some mistakes in the current left EU debate:

Starting with the confusion of the EU with Europe, over the confusion of internationalism with the supranational mechanisms of the EU, to the confusion of democratic sovereignty with nationalism.

Peter choice

But what should be the democratic sovereignty dedicated by nationalism? That leave choice in the unclear. The publzist Rudolf Walther describes under the title "Glisten in vague, as in France, collect politicians from left and right with the concept of sovereignty politicians. However, Walther is in turn criticizing that he represents like many EU committees any left EU criticism. So his essay ends with the difficult to escape warning:

Will a breakpoint being thrown into the EU? As unclear as the intentions of the soveranists of all camps are their political prospects. Much answers that all the actors of the macaborous game soon in the scenes and costumes of the developing National Theater from the 19. Finding a century as a magic turmoil, which only revive the business of another — of the nationalist, antiosome of France of Marine Le Pen.

Rudolf Walther

Thus, the two entries of Walther and election also show the dilemma of the opposite left EU debate well. Election puts some real questions about the left EU policy and then lands in the vague concept of democratic sovereignty. Walther criticizes the vagueness of the term and can not introduce themselves to the real-exciting EU.

EU or everyone dies for themselves

The journalist Nelli Tugel has a comment in the left monthly newspaper "Analysis and criticism" under the headline "EU — everyone dies alone for themselves" a left EU criticism on the high time. Tummy related to the nationalist foreclosure policy in all EU countries at the beginning of the Corona crisis. Already on 22. Marz Posted Tank on Twitter:

I think the EU is history. In the EU escape ware camps in Greece, the moral bankrupt of the confederation is precisely sealed. States stuck mutually the removal away. Except for a few exceptions everyone dies alone.

In her AK comment, she continued her criticism:

At least here was the opportunity to renew an old one, a little over the past years, radical EU criticism and no longer in my own pocket — now the cards are so clear on the table because catastrophes and crises are just the good, the bad, the priorities — and the actual character of so many formations.

Nelli Tug

This request should have left left groups who do not want to land when climbing for more statehood and do not want to follow the warehouse of the Soupanists.

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