Dr. Mehmet ATA from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to Problems and Possibilities in Processing Asylum
This year is 400 in Germany.000 new asylum seekers expected. That’s about twice as many as many years and over fourteen times as many as 2008. Because accommodation are missing, they have to be partially accommodated in tents until the multi-month test procedure is finished. We asked DR. Mehmet ATA from the Federal Office for Migration and Escape Booths (BAMF), why the test methods last and how to tore them.
Dr. ATA, why do asylum procedures take so long?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: We have already become much faster in the duration of the asylum procedures. Last year, we were still on average at 7.1 months. Currently we have an average duration of 5.3 months. This has something to do with it at the end of last year and early this year 650 new employees. Of course, we could further change the duration of the asylum procedures. It is in the sense of the asylum seekers that they can get certainty if they can plan their future in Germany?. We currently have it with very many asylum support. By the end of the year we expect 400.000 Early and 50.Subsequent support. That’s more than twice as much as 2014. We have high levels of application from the Burger War Regions in Syria and Northern Iraq on one side, on the other side a lot of application from Western Balkan — especially Kosovo and Albania. Asylum seekers from the Western Balkans have a disappearing chance of recognition as escape. What is done exactly in the examination of an asylum application?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: As a rule, the asylum seeker must ask his request personnel with an inlet office of the Federal Office. For this appointment, the Federal Office invites a speech average. The decision maker meets his decision on the asylum application due to a consideration of all relevant findings, in particular the personal hearing. What are the common reason for delays?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: Before the decision, in some cases further investigations for the declaration of the facts are required. This is the accessibility to the information center of the Federal Office. In addition, research results arise, for example, individual inquiries to the aetical office, voice and text analyzes, physical-technical document studies (PTU) as well as medical or other expert opinions. First-selling moor park in Hamburg-Jenfeld on 11. July 2015. Photo: An-D. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 could not be remedied by replacing traditional communication channels by electronic?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: In the area of asylum we have to do it with highly sensitive data. We have information about the flight of the flight, persecution, diseases, etc. To protect this data, we currently see no possibility to put on electronic communications routes. However, BAMF has already made extensive maws to tape the duration of the proceedings. In October 2014, we have introduced a tangled procedure for applicants, which are demonstrably from the Burger War States of Syria and North Iraq, since July 2015, this also applies to Eritrea. The procedure acceleration is concluded by dispensing with a personal hearing language between asylum seekers and decision-makers. Instead, Eritreern, Syrians as well as Christians, mandaers and Jeiziden from Iraq the possibility is snapped to present their escape in writing. For this purpose, the Federal Office provides a speech awards and just a prepared questionnaire ready for you. The examination of their application usually takes only a few weeks, they receive protection in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Federal Office will receive 1000 new employees by the end of the year, in addition to those we have already set. In the next year will be up to 1000 again. Scalify states procedure?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: That does not occur usually. ZOARD asylum seekers themselves the procedures?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: It happens that the applicant must be submitted after the hearing still documents. As a result, the method is not yet decisive. What do you love about companies?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: There are already time limits in which the applicants must submit the documents. Why are process in different federal tags very different lengths?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: The duration of the procedure in the Bundeslandel depends very much on the country of origin, which will be processed. Next to us two examples: The average processing time in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is 3.3 months, in Schleswig-Holstein at 7.9 months. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, many asylum approaches from Syria, Serbia and Albania are treated — that is comparatively fast. In Schleswig-Holstein we also have many asylum approach of people from Afghanistan. These are often complicated trap. The Baden-Wurttemberg Minister Prosident Winfried Kretschmann this week signals his potential approval to a reception of Albania and Kosovo into the list of safe origin standards, when the number of asylum seekers from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina has fallen, since they have explained to such countries. Is she that?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: If one compares the Lander Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia with the other countries from the Western Balkan, one sees a very significant effect. Take the period seven months before classification as a safe country of origin and seven months later. At Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia there was an increase of 12 percent. Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro one by about 500 percent. Were border-near asylum centers for asylum seekers from Kosovo and Albania, as Horst Seehofer predetermines them, a help? Killed clerk then more specialized (and therefore faster)? And there was a few conflicts when Albanians are among themselves?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: The Federal States and the Federal Office have understood that asylum seekers should remain with very low opportunities for escape protection in the state-owned facilities until their application has been decided. This makes the procedures more efficient because people are not only distributed to the municipalities. Whether the countries set up institutions, which are specifically intended for people from certain world regions, is not our decision. We adapt each other. From Syria, practically all asylum seekers are recognized, from Kosovo virtually no one. But why is the recognition quota from Eritrea so high?
Dr. Mehmet ATA: After expert opinion, the human rights situation in Eritrea has been deteriorating since 2001. There is a one-party system there, human rights organizations are not approved, most international organizations had to leave the country. Inhortications, asylum seekers from Eritrea often report that they are fled to the National Service — this is a six-month military service — and to escape into a civilian activity.