Arafat seriously ill

Succession for chair in autonomous deeds and plo unclear

The serious illness of the Palastic President Jassir Arafat (75) has led to renewed courage for the succession of the long-term political driver. Arafat, since Tuesday in physical treatment, apparently unconscious on Wednesday evening has collapsed. However, the cause of his illness will not be announced. Specials act from one "giant gallstone" to advanced cancer. The statements of Palastinian politicians contradict themselves. The seriousness of the situation is rather to read on the traffic before the shot headquarters Arafat. Arztes give the latch in hand with ranked representatives of palastic politics. On Thursday, Arafat wife with daughter met in Ramallah. Suha Arafat (41) lives in Paris for four years, and her arrival is rated by Palasticians as a sign for the critical state Jassir Arafat.

Arafat was chosen in 1969 as chairman of the Palastinian Liberation Organization (PLO), a representation of political organizations and professional associations. He made the concern of the Palastinenians internationally and did the PLO from 1974 against their will gradually to the recognition of Israel and looking for a political solution of the Middle East Conflik. In 1996, Arafat was simultaneously chosen to the President of the Palastic Autonomous Law (PA).

Arafat seriously ill

Since the beginning of his career in the Fatah movement, Arafat has understood to push political challengers to the side and build a horny caste of confluencers. The PLO is politically irrelevant. The PA is a one-man show in which the few reformal ministers can hardly enforce against Arafat. Parliament is weak and makes little styles of fighting against the many circumcisions. The deputies himself complain the lack of support of the population in the implementation of political changes. With money and official assignments, Arafat checks many official palastic institutions today. Competitors are played against each other and thus kept small.

Now the Palastinians are present before the possible fiasco: the prasident dies without a regulated succession. The legally adopted by Parliament were never signed by Arafat. On Wednesday, he appointed a three-headed committee for the continuing of the officials in the case of his death. With the current Premier Ahmad Quateei, his process of Mahmud Abbas and Salim Sanun, the speaker of the National Council (the PLO Parliament), manner were selected, which have no jerkiness in the population. While it is expected that they continue to sell the negotiation from Arafat with Israel, but without the political weight to sell the constitent to Israel with simultaneous compilation of the occupation against the population.

As Arafat, all three men come from the Fatah movement that dominates palastic politics for decades. It is divided for corruption and official abuse as well as the failed peace negotiations. Arafat hold the movement together. After his death, however, this incident force will be missing, and it can be amed that the days of the aging wiring wars are then paid. The armed groups within the Fatah are generally attributable to the reform flight. If the old gentlemen of Palastic politics continue to hold on to their chairs and opposite all approaches to new elections within the Fatah, the new generation will grab other means.

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