According to media reports, an invoice of 60 billion euros is applied to the Great Britain
It is a peculiar constellation: The EU remembers its roots in the middle of the next week. 60 years ago, on 25.03.1957, the Romische Support were signed. To be expected with a folle of idealistic comments, articles, speeches and guidelines that turn out how necessary the EU’s supranational project is right now.
At the end of the afterest week, as today’s spokesman for the British Prime Minister, the British government officially announced its intention to resign from the EU under Article 50 of the Lisbon. It is the next giant construction site of the EU, with this time not an extension, but a farewell. Also on him will show how it is ordered about the real-political capacity of the community.
With the submission of the explanation, it goes to the point. Until the autumn of 2018, the exit negotiations should be completed so that the agreement can be ratified for the intended two-year period. A few corner points show the tension of the negotiations.
European defense with coefficitism
The EU needs coincidence, for example, for its security architecture. The French Prasident Hollande was broken down in an interview with Le Monde again to talk to a project, which is now awarded new urgency with the arrival of Trump in the woman’s new urgency, namely the idea of forming a European defense next to NATO. He domed the project "Defense Europeanenne" Even prioritat. Exactly the idea of a common defense lacked in the Roman tolerated. Now Europe can be revitalized over a joint defense.
Although one was — with which the axis of Paris-Berlin is meant — already convinced in front of Trump’s choice of the idea of the European defense, Trump in the woman’s house has but for one "acceleration" worried. Europe thirst for security policy in no dependence.
Great Britain plays an important role. Hollande proposes one for the European Defense Project "structured cooperation" before. The land must be there, even if it is no longer in the EU.
The project of the European defense, which from the Leyen and others would like to make a new constitutive future project of the EU, the EU probably also needs the trading partner Great Britain. So you will be oriented with the negotiations.
Signals of independence
These EU positions are opposed by the British Ministry of Affairs Signals, after which one fees there quite free of obligations and cooperation — and hardly follow for one "disgust" Fears of the EU. Thus, the FAZ quotes the boss of the Au-Abin Ministry, Boris Johnson, with the statement that a departure without agreement "completely o.k." may be.
In the saws before, the FAZ report informs about that — unnamed — economic associations "significant consequences" warns that were revealed if Parliament in London was rejecting the agreement.
HEKLE points are enough and a lot of reasons for polemics, which already arise from Brexit-Beffewerne in Great Britain alone that the Angere-Macher Rhetorik has not proven itself after the Brexit vote.
Emergency traces?
On the other hand, on the European mainland, there is a mood in EU representatives and showing a mood, who said the least has nothing to do if the Great Britain gets a trace pain. Something accompanied by one of this feeling is to be remembered in another FAZ article. This makes a cost accounting attention to the statement of exit.
Great Britain has been commitious in the EU, which is based on C.a. € 60 billion is in the said article with the list "A juicy bill for London" to read. In clear tight German words, the content is so summarized:
Who leaves the Union, must pay for it. This applies to pension obligations, open invoices, promised contributions for urban programs, the liability for joint debts.
The 60 billion-euro bill, which circulates in political circles and also in British media, is based on an expertise of the Think Tank Center for European Reform (short catcher here). As a relevant author, the head of the Brussels Office of the Financial Time Financial Times, Alex Barker, is called.