Human shields against the war
Almost all want peace. The left monthly magazine definitely doubts if you belong together, "What there all together: Walser and alarm clock, Gauweiler and Lafontaine, Brumlik and Schonduber, Grass and Mahler, DKP and NPD… "
The FAZ hangs from another wait for similar doubts ("Gauweiler, Punk and Oberpostdirector") If you have the new peace movement in your Sunday edition as "left vulgar variant, which also finds in burgeral layers", designated. Main problem of movement is the absence of an emotional we. That this non-existent emotional we have no mind, is then in another article ("Aufenpolitik without mind") The same ie. Protest against the US is stupid. Because: "One may not have any circumstances: the coarse in the cross". This sentence, which the author has already learned already on the schoolyard, brings the toxic dwarfly allowance of the FAZ quite well.
The activists of the Human Shield Mission obviously have no problem with the biggest to reach the cross, even if they do it in a way that is relatively drastic, because they drive in Iraq to make themselves as human shields to facilities like , Hospitals, Waterworks etc. to post and wait for the bombs. Sounds like a suicide command, but it is probably more likely to try to prevent a war.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated people may urge the world; That’s the only way possible.
With this quote from Margaret Mead, the boss of human shields is launched on his website for his company. The 33-year Ken Nichols O’Keefe introduces Eloquent Einstein and Ghandi in the mouth and understands something of press work. As a former Gulf War veteran, he is a credible war opponent and still landscaped. On his right fist, a tato with the words Expatriot (USA), according to O’Keefe, the American propaganda system is the most efficient propaganda system throughout the world’s history on its website will find Gluckwunsche of Noam Chomsky.
We have reached a point where more and more people for what they believe they were giving their lives. It is just seriously flirted with the Third World War. You have to do something! For me, Iraq is the only place where I want to be.
Ken O’Keefe
Last Saturday started the first bus convoy in London. Tony Blair got a list of names and places where the war performers can expect to meet with their bombs on Human Shield activists. The route goes over Brussel, Amsterdam, Paris, Strasbourg, Frankfurt, Munchen, Milan, Lubljana, Sarajevo, Thessaloniki and Istanbul. and should be on 8.February in Iraq. On the 15th. February is expected to start the second season. (Today the buses are in Munchen who still wants to ride: Tel.: 0031 6 2220 4574)
Solidarity with the people in Iraq is the driving force of the Human Shields Mission. The risk of being exploited from the regime must be accepted. Some thousand activists, says O’Keefe, have been such a rough stress for the USA that they could prevent the war. So far, it is not more than a few double-decker buses, but the interest in growth. However, all activists have to expect that the name of their project will be realitat and will not survive this year. Each of the participants should make his will and make a written explanation about his reason. Even a woman who is pregnant in the sixth month will be there.
Clearly: Many of the people who ride will not have the same attitude to death as me. And some of them will be stupid and consider the whole thing as a rough event. But I’m not a babysitter, I can not teach people what maturity is.
Ken O’Keefe