Csu election campaign ends at the «penultimate voice»

they were "Tight for each voice to the last minute", had insured top politicians of all parties in the short and fierce federal election campaign. Ironically, the CSU, which has achieved her worrying result for years, fell "Ultimate campaign test" also mercilessly through

Electoral Sunday, point 18.00. The polling stalls shut. On the TV skirms, the results of the forecasts are displayed: the project "Black yellow" has failed. Presumably, a rough coalition will rule the country the country. In the next few minutes comes out that the CSU in Bavaria has contributed significantly to the unexpected bad result of the Union Parties. Angela Merkel thanks hands with its attachments for the "dedicated election campaign". It may probably be doubted that she has included in this thanks also the Bavarian sister party with.

During the top candidates still on Saturday election campaign performances completed and wackere helper until the night before the election in pubs, discotheques and in front of cinema handouts, brochures, ballpoint pen and balloons distributed, was the "Campaign headquarters" The CSU in a moon for two days is unable to answer the simple email request of a supposed first chapter. Just coincidence?

CSU election campaign ends at the'vorletzten stimme'

CSU homepage on Sunday at 22 o’clock

Election campaign

Ruckblick — Friday morning, still two days to choice. "The world" title "Election campaign until Sunday 17.59 o’clock". Similar messages are mammators in many radio and television news. What is the — Actionism at the last minute? Or, in fact, the parties also advertise the content of the "last voice?" Inge Seibel, Journalist and Media Trainer, wants to know and starts her "Ultimate campaign test" With a similar simple email request to the FUF coasted parties:

"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I will election on Sunday for the first time and ask for a message as your party is responsible for introducing general degrees of study. Since I have my studies (business administration) in the Overnasten week, this question is already very important for my election decision. Could you please send me an answer before Sunday. If you are very ubested, it was also enough to tell me if you could tell me where I find statements of your party to study commitments on your website. Thank you for your effort in advance. Inge Seibel, Stephanskirchen, Bavaria.

The first hurde is taking on the attempt to the email addresses for the planned request via the "Election campaign platforms" to find on the internet. Not all websites can be reached using the official party drawing. There are no problems with CDU, CSU, SPD and FDP. Well hidden in the "network" By contrast, Lafontaine and Gysi with their comrades. Until you join "Google"-Search help finding that "The left.PDS" About the domain "Socialists.de" It is already necessary to find some mess. Even "Alliance 90 / The Greens" Only after several start at the address "Gruene.de" found.

Sociable "Grunge"

For this, Joschka Fischer’s campaign troupe shows particularly sociable. Over a clearly visible link on the homepage you can immediately reach a viewing contact form. Also, eMail, telephone number and address of the Berlin election campaign Center are also listed together. Also with the "Left" Did you find the contact form quickly.

It becomes more difficult for all other parties, the inquiry forms or email addresses rather inconspicuous behind the word "Contact" Either hide in the head or folk line of your homepages. The CDU demands the completion of five "Mandatory fields" Before you can enter a request into the contact form, with the SPD even six information involves simply the complete address required. CSU and FDP refrain from such an effort and bow with simple email links.

Until 10.00 clock will take a look at the inquiries by email on friday. The test in this path makes sense, because never before a choice in Germany the Internet played a dubbing role role. All public-friendly online offers waited with more detailed election reporting, sent by numerous special sides, inconsequential blogs and discussion forums. Of the "Election O-Mat" The Federal Center for political education recorded over 4.6 million hits.

The fastest answer comes from the "Grunn" Already after a few minutes: "The first study to the diploma, Magister, Master or a comparable degree should be free." Short and short, but completely true, at least with regard to the election program of the party. With more detailed answers, along with accompanying material such as election program and special brochure on the topic, contact the following hours "The left.PDS" and the Social Democrats. The speech is personal. In both answers, unmistakably prefabricated so-called text modules are used. Both parties are against students.

FDP answers after the election

The CDU does not print before an answer. On the late afternoon, a WACKER electoral champion explains a bit completely that the introduction of studders more "Equal opportunities in education" brought. Only — the Union is in Bavaria, where the supposed first ease lives, from the "sister" CSU represented and that has not yet been reported to date.

A message from the FDP concludes on Saturday afternoon — only no answer to the concrete question. Because obviously too many Wahler ask, what the party is actually intended, it should be a concrete information "as soon as possible", So give only after the choice. The tactics — priced little contents prior to the urnane point, seems to be successful as the unexpected high election result for the liberals. Incidentally — the FDP is for study committees.

No message from Munchen

And the CSU? No answer to electoral Sunday, 17.59 o’clock. At the party with the slogan "Close to humans" If it is obviously not an example, individually to provide information, not even before a so "pioneering choice". Why? For the previous federal and state elections, the Christian social in the Free State achieved results up to 60% (state election 2003).

Since it seemed enough to be sufficient for General Secretar Markus Soder, 250.000 households in the days before the inlet "Spam emails" supply — and unsuspecting mobile phone owners from the recorded voice Edmund Stoiber’s nerves. That goes wrong. The CSU drove the worst result for many years with around 50% in Bavaria. Maybe you had better "Tight for each voice to the last minute" should.

Of the "Ultimate campaign test in overview"

Prof. Horst Muller MBA is owner of the chair for editorial practice at the University of Mittweida (FH), Department of Media

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