The discussion in the Berlin Left Party is a success of the new Auberarlamentar movement against monitoring
For the Berlin government coalition, it could be serious coming Thursday. Then, in the House of Representatives, the consolidation of the state police law will be advised. If the government draft was decided, the police were not only able to access the records of Berliner public transport companies, but was also given special rights to install their own technology in the field of public transport. The legislation also provides that the police are the video recordings of coarse events of private operators for their application steering "planary" can be used and also to be challenged to make "to improve the self-security" for personal and vehicle control video recordings.
But the government from Left Party and SPD can not be sure of their scarce majority in the House of Representatives. For the far-reaching faction of the Left Party, which has told the astonishment of the Grununen and its own base from the opening of counter-closing times to the sale of municipal property almost all demands of their coalition partner, has become floppy. The actually intended compensation of the police law have become the subject of open debates in the Left Party in the last few weeks.
The Berlin Provincial Association has already been used to be provided by the Universe Party with the non-flattering label "Government Link". But all criticism of Auben, even of Oskar Lafontaine, bounced on the Berlin party lies. Finally, they were aware that in all party criticisms, the Berliner for leadering Left Party politicians could be used as an example of pragmatic actions in responsibility. Even Lafontaine has always supported the Berliner at the last consequence in all detailed criticism. Finally, he is often said to be the desire to take over government responsibility again in Saarland. Came it, the experiences from Berlin were largely superseded.
But in the current discussion about the police law, something has changed. It is not only the domestic spokeswoman of the Left Party Ulla Jelpke, who prepares her Berliner comrades, make the entire work of the party incorporated when she agree with the police law. It is not only the Berlin Bundestag MP Gesine Lotzsch, which explained a bit binding in the tone that the police law are renegotiated.There are even members of the Berlin faction, which oppose this time.
The members of the House of Representatives Evrim Baba and Mari Weub leaned only a few days ago after intensive debates, which they were demanded and enforced by them, consent to the police law. Three other members want to be included in the vote. If it remains on the day of voting in this constellation and refuse, as well-known, total members of the opposition from different reasons for the law, the police law was met, and had to accept the SPD Left Party government in a substantial domestic ie. Even if some Union members agree to the Senate law, which they do not actually consider it largely enough, it would be a defeat for the Berlin government, which had no majority in this question.
In both cases it probably had an impact on the Berlin government. Even new elections were not excluded. Because other government options are not foreseeable for the ruling Burgermeister Klaus Wowereit. The grunes, which have profiled in the opposition as a vehement opponent of the compensation, have no reason to help in this question of the SPD from the clamp. That the CDU without new elections with the SPD was formed a coalition is also completely unlikely. For this purpose, the antipathies between the top politicians of both parties are too rough.
In addition, CDU opposition drivers plowed the ambitious goal in Berlin with the first coalition of Christian Democrats, FDP and Grunen. Various loosening amounts in the ratio of the three parties have been undertaken in recent weeks. These experiments have been stopped again immediately when it comes to a rough coalition Kame. The CDU is here in front of a dilemma. If she plays the map as a Law-and-Order party, she was determined to collect points in parts of its conservative partibase scores, the plowers traumes of a Jamaica coalition skeptically opposite. But what government options you stayed outside of a coalition then is completely open. Even the FDP is not enthusiastic about a composure of the police law.
New constellations
The domestic speaker of the Berlin FDP Group supports the critics of the police law and warns of lazy compromises. Also from the Grunen and even the Berlin Young Socialists got the dissidents support. This is quite more than party political tactics. Because here political constellations for defending the burger rights are formed, as they also in the coarse demonstration "freedom instead of fear" on 22. September to recognize. Also there was the support for the FDP, professional associations, the Left Party up to groups of Auberarlamentar Leften (Schauble Mobilized with).
For the critics in the Left Party, this support is also a guarantee that you can not simply be excluded from the party board, who called the police law an acceptable compromise and listed for approval. For this the debate has become too public. Burger right groups have also beaten to the side of the dissident politician, like the non-Left Party friendly daily newspaper. There, the critics were expressly certified to have contributed significantly to that an important topic of internal security as the composition of the police law was the subject of a public debate.
This in turn could even benefit the Berlin Left Party, which has lost the SPD for its easy-care course with the SPD and believing. Even the hardest government advisors will remember historical parallels. Grunen love the question of Hanau atom factories Nukem / Alkem in the mid-1980s the first SPD grune state government in Hesse fail and benefited from it.
Success of the Auberarlamentaric movement
Beyond all party political quarrels, the loose Auberparliastar covenant for data control and monitoring could consider a defeat for the Berlin police law as a success. Even the fierce debates of the last weeks in the Left Party and then in other parts of society were probably not created if not in the fight against data retention, the critics of monitoring and freedom restrictions had rewarded vehemently. With the big demonstration on 22.September you have shown that you can bring people to the strain. With the other protests against the data retention as well as the meanwhile of 13.000 Burgers supported catching action against stock data retention has made the movement clear that it is not a mayfly.
The debates in Berlin also became clear that it is not a one-point movement and it also succeeds in influencing parliamentary decisions. Finally, the first consultable criticism of the attitude of the Left Party to the Berlin Police Law in the run-up to the demonstration became loud. Particular critics made aware of the opposition of the Berlin Listing Association of the Left Party, who was based on the supportors of demonstration aqued and with their approval of the police law, counteracts substantial demands of this demonstration. Regardless of the exit of the decisive coordination to the Berlin police law, the Auberarlamentar movement can record the debates of the last weeks as a success