A pipeline project that polarizes

The planned construction of the ethylene pipeline sud between Upper Bavaria and Ludwigshafen is abundantly subsidized, but also energetic

A close shoulder between state and private sector for a coarse project has advised in Baden-Wurttemberg in the discussion. Ie is the 360-kilometer-long ethylene pipeline in Suddeutschland, which is to connect the Sudostbayer chemistry triangle around Gendorf and Burghausen with BASF in Ludwigshafen in Rhineland-Palatinate. A coarse group of land owners from the region ilica of Stuttgart are not ready to provide basic prudents for building the pipeline.

The Munchener Bauellschaft ethylene pipeline sud (EPS) promises the connection of the Bavarian chemical companies to Europe-wide customers and suppliers of the gas-shaped chemical precursor ethylene. Your partners are seven shareholders from the OL and chemical industry, including BASF, the Borealis Polymers, OMV Germany and Wacker Chemistry. The cable with 25 centimeters diameter, through which ethylene is to be conducted high prere flux with up to 90 bar prere, secure up to 25,000 workstations in the chemical industry, it is called. In the Free State of Bavaria, this project seemed to this project so on the fact that he has contributed 45 million euros to the construction costs received to 200 million euros in the meantime. The European Union agreed to this subsidy after initial hesitation in 2005.

A pipeline project that polarizes

In Bavaria and in Rhineland-Palatinate, the management is already largely completed. However, the route of the ethylene pipeline should also cross Baden-Wurttemberg from East to West. That means that in the Sudweststaat on a route length of 180 kilometers just under 5700 basic properties owners must agree to the construction of the line through their fields, grunnings and walder. After two years of negotiating and long discussions with the farmers’ organizations on the high of the reductions still lacking in October 2009, the approvals of around ten percent of those affected. At the beginning of the month, the Stuttgart Landtag advised for the first time on an expropriation law, a so-called Wegerdsgesetz that could force the construction of the EPS. Thus, the FDP Minister of Economics Ernst Pfister wants to split the so-called "total referenders" as he has already mentioned in a state-of-state debate.

However, it is nichtle a grand pure-proofer, which has joined the opponents in the "Interests Community Alfdorf and surroundings". The approximately 80-headed group, which is organized as a society of bourgeois law and committed specialists, consists of landlord farmers and primary students along the line road, whose families have been part of the country since generations. Many of the basic prudents are already burdened by other pipelines, as the governmentSprasidium Stuttgart has summarized all lines on a route after the main principle. That began in 1962 with the construction of the Rhine-Danube-Ollritten between Ingolstadt and Karlsruhe, later renamed in Transalpine Ollritt (Valley), which was buried across the Alfdorfer district. It turned out later that the building troops were dealt with the ground rude. Even today, damage to the plants can be identified by compactions caused by the heavy machines in the ground report the primary prudent owners. Some Alfdorfer remember when children have collected for years of stones on the Ackern of the valley-drama, follow a defective separation between lower and upper floor in line construction.

In addition, a number of primary deciduous owners have already made the acquaintance with expropriations. In 1978, the resistances with this remedy parallel to the valley the construction of a NATO floodcase line. In 1999, 14 empty pipes for optical waveguide cables were also buried on the route. Contrittings remained ineffective, although a court detected in retrospect that the construction of this leaders had no contractual basis and therefore had been significantly higher decals. The affected persons remain officially owner of the primary butt after expropriation and the construction, but in the land register, however, the pipeline is noted in the form of a way of time. Apart from possible damage to the ground Sink the value of the country as a result of the lines buried around one meter deep in the ground considerably, the Alfdorfer interests community argues. In a protective strip around the pipeline is also prohibited every development or deeply rooting planting.

In the case of the EPS, it is disputed whether expropriations are overhead. Prerequisite for the goods that the line serves the common good on the basis of Article 14 (3) of the Basic Law. However, the Baden-Wurttemberg regional government has made it clear to a request that the ethylene line is a private sector project. The benefits for the common good are the governments in Stuttgart derive from alleged infrastructural benefits. Thanks to the pipeline in the chemical industry, numerous workplaces were secured in the Rhein-Neckar region, the state government argues — although Minister Prosident Gunther Oettinger in the fall of 2008 in a press conference, argues to prove the whole product easier if you "incorporate the Ludwigshafen BASF" incorporated " could. In the alternative, the state government refers to the Karlsruhe Refine Miro, which is docked by stub line to the EPS network. The Miro wanted to change her gasoline production to the production of plastic precursors in the long term, it is called. In the spring, letters from Karlsruhe and Mannheim were known, two bads with a well-known chemical industry, the Minister Prosident Oettinger prompted to bring the line project EPS in the course of an expropriation law possible soon.

The ALFDORF opponents of the project deny these arguments in their action against the plan approval decision. The ethylene, so they argue, let themselves transport themselves in tanks via inland ship via the Rhine-Main-Danube channel. An economic benefit for the common good is not recognizable for wide parts Baden-Wurttembergs. Another allegation is that there had not been negotiated with all those affected Alfdorfer primary buttocks before the country has conceded his law plane. In addition, the pipeline opponents propose the EPS planners to deal with the safety regulations LAX. For example, the worst-case scenario for the ethylene pipeline in the safety report is limited to a leak of the coarse of a dredger tooth, although one had to accept the break of the entire line of the entire line correctly. Burning high-prere fluxed ethylene can have a devastating effect in case of unpleasant, as shown in the Marz 2008 accident in Dormagen near Koln, when the fire brigade had to wait until all gas was burned out of the line.

Officially, the EPS with the connection of the sudostbayeric chemical activities to the European ethylene network argues, the actual reason for the construction of the pipeline are probably simple. In a report in the Bavarian state indicator in 2005, the poor transport links of the Sudostbayeric chemical sites will be described. In the local region, only a single track track drove, a motorway to Munchen has been planned for three decades but not finished. The increase in the workplaces is also reduced to a surbaceable number when looking more closely. 77 workplaces were secured by the company Basell in Munchsmunster, reported the Bavarian state indicator in 2007. However, the local production plant for plastics was completely destroyed in a fire in December 2005. In a state-of-state debate in the summer of 2008, the Grunen-Members Christine Stahl the Bavarian Provincial Government introduced, the argument of "securing the workplaces in the chemical industry" frou on a sausage statement. With the EPS, it is loud Christine Stahl "for a favorite project from the leisure of Mr. Stoiber". In addition, the Green Members criticize that the Bavarian state parliament has decided to use a expropriation law without using the possibility of reprogramming at the route. According to Christine Stahl, the Bavarian state government tries "incredibly wordy and very excellent and with very many dislocations (…) To make clear that the common good is actually secured here ".

The Baden-Wurttemberg regional government has gotten a long time with the expropriation law. Even when the Bavarian state parliament decided in the summer of 2008 a walking law law, no one would officially confess to such ambitions in Stuttgart. The company EPS has been held first to acquire many consents to the management of the management, it relocated it from the Stuttgart State Ministry. In fact, in Stuttgart, in the same year, in the same year, in the same year, as statements of the Bavarian Minister of State Emilia Muller suggested the talk of the Baden-Wurttemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs in a state-state debate 2008. Why the Stuttgart politicians did not hurry to make this official, probably together with the municipal and federal elections of the year 2009. Many election circuits, including the CDU Prime Minister Gunther Oettinger in Vaihingen / Enz, are directly affected by EPS management. Unrest There, the Landes-CDU apparently did not want to afford in the super-election year.

Now, after completion of the elections, the way for the law is obviously free. The FDP / DVP Deputy Hans-Ulrich Rulke explained recently in the Stuttgart Landtag, one of the time to introduce the law, the quota of 90 percent consent of the primary priced owners in the eye, but this is not talked on the marketplace ". A similar segment also represents Minister Prosident Gunther Oettinger, although the state father already found significant words on the negotiating strategy of EPS at several events. It is a "daring event" to promote pipeline construction in Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate before the negotiations in Baden-Wurttemberg were completed, criticized Oettinger. The EPS threw the Minister President in a state-of-state debate in May no hurt "arrogance". The EPS-launched EPS-Trader Hans-Detlef Dreeskornfeld, which has been officially, was officially, which has been officially, with a press conference in April 2008, the resistance of the primary priced owners referred to as "problems in the microcosm". In the autumn of 2006, when there was no planning basis for the project, he should have been explored at a round of negotiation in the Alfdorfer Town Hall in accordance with subscribers a expropriation law with the marketed words "The Ethylene pipeline comes".

Despite the consent of the majority of municipalities and landowners, and although EPS negotiator is now much more complicated specifically in the Alfdorf area, the last word in terms of pipeline is apparently not spoken. If the ALFDORFER’s primary butt owners remain with their resistance and maintain their action against the plan approval decision, an exciting highly decorative decision is immigrant. It is controversial to whether an expropriation law in such a clearly private-sector project is permissible, experts say. The Baden-Wurttembergian Ministry of Justice also exercise in an internal opinion rather carefully. The expropriation law is "not quite clear and risky, but randomly to be frightened," it bothered it in the fall of 2008. If this approach is tolerated, it was the same for a dam break for similar projects, it is called from the ranks of the affected circle farmers. Another possible pipeline project for the valley route across Baden-Wurttemberg is already recognizable in outlined. Between Mannheim and Karlsruhe is a propylene line in planning. The chemical sites in Sudostbayern also provide themselves with this sister gas from ethylene to each other by pipeline.


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