
Study: babies that can not speak yet, rate exactly who is good and who do not

When does the moral sensation begin? From when do we rate actions and intentions of others and follow our sympathies and dislikes afterwards? When do we learn that? About the language acquisition? Babies, who, how friends of parents know only too well, to amaze adults anyway and always in astonishment, scientists now showed that they are already in a very early age before they can speak, who deserves their sympathy and who do not: the Good and helpful namely.

6 to 10-month-old toddlers were presented in an experiment figures, which were either helping a small red wooden disk with Green Eyes or they disabled them with their intention. The red disc figure was in 1.Attempt below a green increase. Then it tried to raise an increase. Father helped him a yellow, also with eyes of mixed triangle when rising and pushed the red slice. A blue beauty square made exactly the opposite in another episode: it prevented the slice from above on the climb.

The yellow helper at work.. ..and the blue preventer

The babies reacted like good Walton children: their sympathies obviously just the helpful yellow triangle, just after him they wanted to grab. When the children had to complain in another attempt, as the red climber took the climbing preventer, they were amazed — the scientists mosses long attention. That was not the case if the climber approached the yellow helper, obviously no surprise for the little ones.

For scientists J.Kiley Hamilton, Karen Wynn and Paul Bloom, who introduce their results in the current ie of the Science Magazine Nature, these are very clear evidence that the babies are based on their reviews on social behavior random and not on only superficial aspects. In order to switch off possible sources of error, ie deflections in the perception, the attempt with the figures was still subjected to some variations, the direction of movement changed, neutral figures introduced etc.

It remained: the prize perzerence of the babies for the helper and their aversion against the obstructor can be explained, according to the scientists, best as specifically social creations. The little ones obviously have a preference for those who act cooperatively. And this prizeerz shows a lot more than you had thought so far. The researchers draw the possible conclusion that the ability. Individuals with their social behavior, "not learned" and "universal" is.

Maybe you should use babies in the staff department in the evaluation of new applicants: "Keep up!"


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