Helicopter Place of the Lingotto Congress Center in Turin, venue of this year-old Bilderberg meeting. Photo: Jean-Pierre Dalbera / CC by 2.0
… the power of this world meet the picture mountain conference. For real?
The Legendar Bilderberg Conference is no longer what she was. Your 2018 edition took place in Turin, in a hotel on the former landing of the Autofabrik Fiat. Jewelry and cramped here the rich and chopping of this world will work out burning topics of the present and future for a weekend.
over four decades, since their first meeting in the legendary hotel De Bilderberg In the Netherlands, this extremely discrete table round had noticed nobody. Under the patronage of the Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the following things as the European economic community were totally.
But at the end of the 1990s, an ever louder whore went through the Stammtisch: there was a mysterious round of the super-richs, which were determined by the exclusion of the publicity the policies of politics. There was no stopping in the Internet age anymore. Today the Bilderberg meetings are on everyone’s lips.
The loss of the secretness does not have the picture mountain round. Already the list of participants of the supposed artus round of the last ten years clearly shows: Here only the second or third set of the power carrier is spent on this globe for a long time. Multimilliards with visions (how strange this also his Mogene) like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates or the Bizarre Richard Branson remain the pictures.
Instead: colorless "Domestics of super-rich" and even their subsidies. The opinion researcher Renate Kochel from Allensbach next to Albert Rivera is sitting by the Spanish party Ciudadanos. Oh yes, a few frames from better days are also there, such as Z.B. the highly advanced master strategist Henry A. Kissinger or the High Decorated Four Star General and Former CIA Chef David Petraeus. Then the Millionar’s couple Marie-Josee and Henry Kravis, who have been associated with the pictures as organizers and sponsors for years.
And the topics? Here is a colorful rod: challenge through inequality, right populism, the future of work, the USA in front elections of Senate and House of Deputies in October, the future of free trade or cryptic: "The world after the truth (post-truth)". Little likely that such a bouquet could be dealt with current topics in three days.
On top of that you wanted to be over "Russia" talk (a Russian guest is not invited); About the world domination of the USA, about artificial intelligence and quantum computers, and finally the delicate relationship Saudi Arabia to Iran.
Ursula von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg
Everything says that the latter three topics dominate the Bilderberg conference 2018. Because Russia has a lot of participants a delicate relationship. That starts with the German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen. to emphasize, how often the minister has taken up the Russian danger and how much she has made the exploitation of the goal of fulfilling the rusting set to two percent of gross domestic product,.
And there we also find the NATO General Secretar Jens Stoltenberg. The NATO has known the Gangart opposite Russia Markant. Terrifying is not even so much so much the pure quantitat of the NATO march on the western border of Russia, but rather the pace of acceleration.
In 2016, 1000 soldiers were sent to the Balticity and Poland. In this early year, the NATO manobever Saber Strike is already 18 in front of the Russian home tour.000 soldiers involved.
Overall, NATO manovals in Baltic and Poland are 12.000 Bundeswehr soldiers involved — three times more than in the previous year. And at this autumn will be in Manover Trident Junface 40.000 soldiers, of which 8.000 soldiers of the Bundeswehr, on the Russian border their readiness to operate.
This matron rattle of Russia limits is reflected in the 2018 Bilderberg Conference, which is projected Bellicist as well as hardly a Bilderberg conference since the Cold War. Loading are politicians from the Balticity, from Poland, and with Ana Brnabic even the Serbian government leader. Wolfgang Ischinger, the business drivers of the Munchner Security Conference is also present.
The transatlantic Thomas Enders (first rapid rise over Atlantic breeds, now already nagged for many years as an Airbus boss) has with its sinking plane, the troop transporter at-400m, but not much to offer much. Nevertheless, he may be there. For this purpose, as a precaution, the IRE Eamonn Brennan, the boss of the aviation residence Eurocontrol, stabbed the civil and military coordination of the airspace in Europe.
Bellicistic group picture with ladies
In this Bellicistic group picture with ladies (this time these times as many women are never before) fits Nadia Schadlow, who has been Prasident Trump’s Assistant and Deputy Chairman of the National Security Council of the US Government for a short time. Your boss and mentor in the National Security Council was General Herbert Raymond McMaster, to which the publicity was taught that he could affect the shower head Trump.
As a McMaster by the Hardliner John R. Bolton was replaced, also stepped Nadia Schadlow from her office. It would be absolutely auspicious, from your jery to want to derive a moderate attitude. In the 1990s in the Pentagon, she prepared today’s most valued strategy for Ukraine. She is a co-author of the National Security Strategy 2017. As a full member in Council on Foreign Relations as well as in the Defense Policy Board, it is one of the political heavyweights in Washington.
Rather than propagandist and lobbyist for as a politician, Anne Applebaum profiles. After a magnificent degree Summa Cum Laude at the EliteUniversitat Yale’s busy apples with geopolitical articles in all striking mainstream media from Economist to New York Times. Unrestrained, she drums for the lobby organization Center for European Policy Analysis, Cepa. CEPA U is financed.a. by Bell Helicopter, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Sikorski Aircraft, the Smith Richardson Foundation and the Pentagon.
Your spouse Radoslaw Sikorski may also not be missing in Olive Grunen Bilderberger Group 2018. Sikorski was already active at Solidarnosc, studying in England in the 1980s, where he found access to crusty elitrene Jungmanner compounds, which were very inclined to the excessive enjoyment of spiritual drank.
Personal friendships connect him since then u.a. With the reigning British Au — Minister Boris Johnson. In 2002 he became director of the New Atlantic initiative in the neo-conservative Thinktank American Enterprise Institute.
Sikorski facilitated Sikorski’s rise in government markers, first of 2005 as a Polish Minister of Defense, then until 2014 as the Aufemister. It hardly surprises that he used himself as a government member vehement for the installation of American defensive rackets on Polish territory, and whose installation in 2010 in Krakow with Hillary Clinton solemnly sealed.
Nevertheless, the transatlantic harmony has been a bit met, since the recording of a telephone conversation Sikorskis was lacted with an unnamed partner, in the Sikorski classified protection by NATO as a trugger, because: "We are conflicting with Germany and Russia in conflict and think that everything is great just because we have a blown the Americans … The problem in Poland is that we have a flat pride and a too low self-estimation … such a negarty!"