US soldiers form Saudian navy campers on a machine gun. Photo: u.S. Marine Corps, Sgt. Rome m. Lazarus / Common-free
And 32 billion dollars as a benefit of the Konig for the satisfaction of the population
In Abu Dhabi open tomorrow the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (Idex), a show of state-of-the-art weapons, in a region that is pretty close to war and crisis areas and an illustrious circle of buying customers: the four larger "Defense Customers" — The term weapons is currently no longer or only more with his paint intake "defense" Called — from the region, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar, last year set a total of $ 109 billion in the military entertainment.
Saudi Arabia is the regional primus under defense expenditures: $ 80 billion in 2014. This is an increase of 43 percent in 2012, almost unique worldwide — if not the US and China, the Wall Street Journal informs. Whether the ie for the construction of an almost 1000 kilometer high-tech wall is included on the border with Iraq, which is a real defense ie, is not listed.
Despite declining olineals due to falling prices and falling demand, the consumer also found in its maxim that auto exemplary rigorous handling of oppositional money is the best weapon to maintain social peace.
After youngest news, the new one has distributed at his expenditure of benefits in previously unknown estimates: bonuses to all citizens, soldiers, pensioners and students who receive scholarships, in the high of the full month’s own monats, rough donations to sports and education courses. Private societies should then, so the New York Times, who have increased the whole additional: " Putting Another Few Billion Dollars Into People’s Pockets".
The early government consultant and current investment manager John Sfakianakis estimates, according to the US newspaper, that the consequent gifts of the Kony summed up 32 billion dollars. The human rights ies are now more in the background, so the NYT. The already familiar — Saudi Arabia has an average per capita income of 54.000 Dollar year — were now committed to the question of what they should start with the money. The souks are overflowing, gold and jeweler handler experience a boom, it is called elsewhere.
In the background, however, the new Vice-Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, which is comparatively young with 55 years and as a chief of inner security has a powerful post, the repression lines fertilized: The fight against the terrorists and is particularly familiar to the return of the return Religion police as watchdogs.