Little is known about the consequences, they are first evaluated, critics warn against unforeseeable consequences
Around 600 million euros the federal government invests this year in urban development projects of a wide variety of ways. The starting of the inner states and the backup of the infrastructure in smaller cities and communities in the rival region in 2010 have prioritat. So drop to 95 (East Germany) or. 86 million euros (West Germany) in the project "Urban conversion", which should serve for the demographic and structural change. 86 million come "Active city and district centers" benefit, 95 million receives the long-term project required since 1999 "Social city", with the "Integrative-open approaches" be implemented in disadvantaged quarters and social focal points.
But also the "City skill" For the preservation of historic city cores and quarters, with 70 (East Germany) or. 30.5 million euros (West Germany) support. The city maid thus helps countries and communities in many central tasks. According to the Federal Ministry of Transport, construction and urban development, about 3 profit throughout Germany.400 areas of the Unithard.
"Not known in detail"
The question is only: how long? Already in the current year, the city maid was crimped by ten percent, and in 2011 the state minister Peter Ramsauer (CSU) would like to save the half of the total volume. In the government design to the federal budget 2011, only 305 million euros of program funds for the title are only the title "Demand of the city building" intended, love the ministry and provoked a small request, the Members of the Grununen Group at the beginning of July to the Federal Government. The opposition party amed that compared to the Confederation no less tense budgetary situation of countries and municipalities do not offer a margin of compensating for the planned shortnesses only. Rather, there is a reduction in complementary financing to burred and — alone in 2011 — "An investment volume of up to 4.9 billion euros" threatened with the deletion.
Such a shortness does not only danger to the previous success of the city officials programs and lets the challenges of climate and demographic change alone with the challenges of climate and demographic change, but also weaken the regional economic power. In addition, the planning security for municipalities and companies in urban development is strongly limited. Because new projects in urban development have no financing certainty and even ongoing urban development measures experience a financial insecurity.
Small request Bundis 90 / Grunen
The Grunen Erdaten from the Federal Government on this subject answers to 27 detail questions, but were first taught that many points — such as "3 to 12 and 21" — be withdrawn together because of their assets. Furthermore, the government informed that the reduction of urban subsidies "Against the background of the current consolidation measures to the Federal budget" successes. Although the consequences, they are fundamentally, but by no means in detail.
If smaller collorders of the federal government are not compensated by increased state resources, a temporal extension or shift will be necessary for an unknown number of already ongoing maps. Which measures are concretely affected, the countries decide in their own state. Corresponding planning of the countries are not known to the federal government. New city officials will only be possible in limited numbers — even here the Lander decide.
Answer by the Federal Government
"Not known in detail" The Federal Government was also the follow-up investments of the city maid. They therefore referred to a 2004 published review of the German Institute for Economic Research, which, however, from the authors themselves "Short-expertise" was designated and predominantly dealt with an even long-for-round investigation from 1995. In addition, the DIW determined at the time a non-undiseable impact effect of the city request, which dealt with a factor of 6.4 on private investment and a factor of 8.5 to the public and private construction volume.
Concrete statements not possible
But the helplessness of the Federal Government does not take an end. Since they do not know which concrete effects have the austerity plan to the mentioned investments, statements on any tax revenue are "also not possible".
Almost overlapped that the number of jobs created or secured by the city request also "not known" is. The radical austerity course KONE is although "in certain circumstances" Impact for the labor market: "However, the concrete effects are not quantifiable." Self-sharpening should be the workplace effect "in the context of the evaluation mentioned" also play a role, and that also applies to the programs "City — building monument protection in the new countries" as "Town remodeling West".
After all, let the "Town conversion East" More detailed, because here the assessment was already completed in May 2008.
As a result of the evaluation, the appraisers and the steering group recommend that program continue until 2016. The appraisers and the steering group keep the jerkiness of another 200.000 to 250.000 apartments for required. The German Bundestag has on 19. June 2009 the application "Program Town Conversion East — Continuation of a Success Program" and requires a financial framework with which the above tasks can be forced (BT printed matter 16/12284).
Answer by the Federal Government
The supposed flagship project, which was dedicated last year a jubilee congress with the high-gloss documentation, is also not taboo under these circumstances. As a matter of principle, the federal government wants "Supporting the citys and communities in social urban development", but only "as far as the budget situation is allocated".
Ramsauer's transaction Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) had the program still in May 2009 as "huge burger movement" Celebrated whose social importance goes beyond their financial benefits.
Not only in stone we should invest, not only in the expansion of children's day, youth freezeitans, the local economy strong, renovate the gym, but we also want to ensure that integration can take place with our model projects. (…) Already the old Augustinus said: "Cities are not building and straws, but people with their hopes and traumas."
Ex-Federal Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee in May 2009
The investment needs and the consequences of shorts
During the Federal Government, now without the wisdom of the "Old Augustine", Only a short suggestion in the room puts in order to evaluate, whether they are meaningful or maybe counterproductive, critics warn against indispensable consequences.
Gerd Landsberg, main fees of the German city and municipality also refers to the DIW expertise from 2004:
According to calculations of the German Institute for Economic Research Lost a Euro on City Offices Another eight euros of public and private investments, especially in the locational and regional construction industry and craft,. Against this background, it is also financially straight counterproductive if the federal government is a self-carrying and specially advanced program shortcuts shortly.
Gerd Landsberg
Landsberg cares about "urgent future tasks of the city and municipalities" and points out that the municipal investment requirement in the respective infrastructure by no means lose weight, but will amount to around 700 billion euros by 2020. This forecast can be found in a study by the German Institute for Urban Studies — from 2008. It also contains a negative scenario with the possible consequences of failure to invest in investment. Three examples:
- "Long-term cost: negligence with maintenance and renewal of the infrastructure drove to a strong obstacle and much earlier replacement requirement. For example, the municipality, under the pramisse that she seeks a corresponding strain quality, must spend significantly more money on money if you are not a lot of money on timely entertainment and renewal of the straws. The same example love to apply for other municipal investments.
- Dedicated production and growth: a deficit of public capital as a result of the decrease in public investment costing can exclude a growth of productivity growth. The relationship applies to the state levels as well as for the municipal infrastructure.
- Building qualitat and performance ("outcome"): Investments also affect the outcome municipal task perception, z.B. Health care or educational success, out. The conditions of the school facilities, in particular the right room temperature, lighting and the acoustics, have z.B. an important influence on the achievements of the Schuler and the Effectiveness of Teachers."
Karl Robl, main supplies of the Central Association of the German Building Business, delivered according to the announcements from Berlin, "that 2011 will be the real crisis year for the German construction industry". Finally, the measures from the economic offices ran this year. If now the city mall is backed up, you probably do not need an expertise in order to imagine the consequences for the labor market.
Resistance of the Lander
In addition to the associations and municipalities, which, in contrast to the Federal Government, which has not yet been evaluated with evaluations already pretty much exactly, which maws and projects must be painted after lowering the city maid, there is also considerable resistance to the savings project on a Land level.
In a party-shapeful opinion, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern rejected traffic and treeInister Volker Schlotmann (SPD), Saxony-Anhalt Minister for State Development and Traffic Karl-Heinz Haehre (CDU) and Brandenburg's infrastructure Minister Jorg Vogelsanger (SPD) equal three Landerskollegen the tarpaulin of Peter Ramsauer and referred to ongoing agreements.
We can not let our city and Dorfer be able to leave away on halfway, otherwise we would be the success of urban development in the past 20 years. In addition, the city maid is part of the Solidar Pact valid until 2019. These commitments must be adhered to the construction East not to danger.
Volker Schlotmann, traffic and treeInister in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
But even in the west of the Republic, many local politicians do not agree on how Schureless in the Ministry of Ramsauer the Redstick acts. This is all the more true as you burred a domino effect at least in the medium term at least in the medium term. Munchens Oberburgermeister Christian Ude (SPD) did not held it unlikely in June of this year that the proportion of countries at the city maid is also reduced:
If there are so far, many important future projects have to be placed on ice, which stand for more life qualitat in the city.