Blood and testicology

The animal theater of cruelty between Berlin, Kassel and Vienna

"Almost everything we call ‘Herere culture’ is based on the spiritualization and deepening of cruelty — this is my sentence; That ‘wild animal’ has not been quoted, it lives, it brings, it only has — gothic light", Nietzsche said in "Beyond Good and Evil". now is the "culture" to become a mouse in itself, the initiated life in the "Inner Circle", The art will take place primarily in the Saale — and what Nietzsche despite Dionysos so predicted: Theater of cruelty, primary process and abreading plays have been trimming for decades of a cultural niche, which destroyed high art, the protective barrel of high spiritism against the dark shoots with pathos and Tezzle torn. The System Art so also rests the dogs from the basement, which had to give rise to culture before.

The meat still depends on the Berlin action of Flatz at the helicopter

"End with the masterpieces" had called Antonin Artaud. His "Theater of cruelty" Should the future belong, whereby it is also about knowledge, "Whether a little real blood is required" be to show true cruelty. Is it going to Wolfgang Flatz even a lot of blood. Now Wolfgang Flatz has also flying a dead cattle and let mild explode. The Same Procedure AS Every Year: A ritual as a media spectacle between the Administrative Court, Press and Moderately excited audience.

Unlike in the wild 60s of the orgy and mystery theater of Hermann Nitsch, Otto Muehl or Gunter Brus, the counting does not want to be really loud. Even the judiciary is no longer suitable as a strict moral police, which in Kaiser’s times still criminated postcards from masterpieces because they could be dangered as masturbation templates. The Viennese protagonists of the Pagan sacrific art had slaughtered, shaded and crucified animals in the continuous cast of judges and prosecutors animals. Times of animal pastels and blood came out about actors and builds: an art that believed their origin from the incredible time of the vapor tops, but also an art that an ambivalent relationship to the blood metaphors adapted even from pagan cults of the Christian supper incorporated. Animal sacrifices and bloody ritual should resume domesticated people from discomfort in civilization and at the same time print this discomfort.

Bazon Brock labeled the bloodaction of Flatz now as the longing of a prosperity-neglected company to artificial blood orgere. Because in one of war and distress gaming and spab company nothing is more existentially threatening, the muse "Emergency" to be replaced in such actions. Although Brock has become rough even in the excited spectacles of Fluxus and Neodada, this is no art today for him. Safe — Flatz is a Kunstrecycler of those who came to the years of provocative standards, which open less and less hope for a truly involved audience, not to mention existential concerns beyond the feuilleton. Whether this is art or not, today is so good as the beef that made it is made.

To raise awareness of the harsh creature, against cruel nature control, which can be developed as a purpose alitate, it is hardly any more art. Since the days of the orgy and mystery theater, many artistic action forms have changed into political protest shapes that save myth to denounce the thing with their name. Last autumn, unknown, probably radical animal welfare, a dead cow in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sidney. Also an orange color-painted, three-meter-long tiger shark appeared in a Fubgangerzone of the Australian city of Weiland, without the viewer with the unemployable question to torment, whether this is art or animal welfare or both at the same time.

"In the degeneration state in which we are in which we have the metaphysics you will have to move back into the carelessness via the skin" Customized Antonin Artaud. Art and metaphysics today can be used for civilization criticism, which is already operated by the boulevard newspapers on the most advantageous: from BSE, foot-and-mouth disease, on the animal follower chambers of pharmaceutical research to the miserable laying batteries for the fresh stuccoing, the nature massacre has been in the continuous focus of the Public awareness.

Animals without rights

And what does the Tote Rindvieh say — the dated Bull Bodo — on the roof of the slaughterhouse "Earth" even? "I fear, the animals consider humans as a being of course, which has lost in a hazardous way in a hazardous way, — as the mad wild animal, as the laughing animal, as the crying animal, as the unbelievable animal" Nietzsche for the creature. But who hort already on animals? This is how it is in § 1 of the Animal Welfare Act: "Nobody may satisfy pain, sorry or damage to an animal without reasonable reason." According to § 3 no. 6 Tierschg is also prohibited, "an animal to a movie uptake, display, advertising or similar event or artistic reasons to use, unless pain, suffering or damage to the animal are".

But simple federal law like the animal welfare law then draws the shorter when it comes with the freedom of art and artist from art. 5 ABS. 3 GG collides. The art is free according to the Basic Law, but — in preamble logic — nevertheless no restricted. Rights of third parties, high-ranking graceful or the moral law can counteract artistic surgery. Nevertheless, the rights of animals are not to be anchored in these unwritten barriers. The moral law alone marks a weak collection position for a legislative obligation, which is also a legal "Place for animals" open. But what happens today against the good customs?

Blood and testicology

Model Hermann Nitsch and his orgy mystery theater

In this context, the performance of the Kassel Korse Kartlerin Siglinde Kallnbach, which has a budgerent in a sticky eimasse dunket, so that the springs were glued and the animal was temporarily flying. For the artist, this should be a warning from the dangers of Neofascism — for the 40th-year jubilee room of the Federal Republic of Germany and at the same time pointing to the distress of abused women, children and dissentors. Hermeneutics, I love you! What the artist presented under the sounds of the German national anthem brought her a criminal complaint for animal skill. The district court of Kassel stated that the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act were emanated by the uncondominant strand standard of the Fine Freedom Guarantee as long as animal welfare was not regulated by law (NSTZ 1991, 443 F.To). In another case, animals were killed in an open bean theatrical performance. Again, the judiciary no longer intervened, as animal welfare — despite years of effort — is not even normalized as a state goal in the Basic Law. So the experimental art of animal experiments as a protest against the animal experiments can continue to operate their paradoxical business without having to buffered a shaded cattle as a plaintiff.

Although animals according to § 90 a of the Civil Code are no stuff, they are nevertheless treated further. The philosopher Haeckel pointed out that since Descartes (1643) only man has a true "soul" and thus sensation and free will have that, on the other hand, the animals machines, machines without will and sensation are. Even the universal ethicist Kant had little sense for the soul life of the animals and his psychological studies on humans.

In conjunction with a concept of art, which has not been degraded since Joseph Beuys and the Russian Prolet Cult (Art = Life) to the all-state level, this becomes a brisant mixture for the threatened wildlife. Already Kurt Schwiters decreed: "Everything that the artist spits is art"… and where you cheat as artistic, as germs and proliferate the art biotopes also immediately. Damien Hirst was with pickled bioware to the Superhai in the British Artificial Car Pond. But not only in front of sharks in formaldehyde, even in the face of copulating bovine carcasses, the artist reflects on death. System Theory, this does not mean much more today than its own self-production in the art system.

But the art does not sit in the meantime as well as a dirty rabbit in front of the media snake and does not know which taboo shrunk tomorrow will give a quiewend quail sign of itself until recognition. "You take a picture band on the evening historical painting, hit his favorite picture, pierce with the help of a sharp knife the book of Ruckwarts and Wussen his penis in the middle of the evening country painting. Consider 5 minutes strained the resulting assembly and think concentrates about art…Only in this way is the art to save". Thought! Otto Muehl’s art-consciousness rescue and tickling at taboo could not even elicit the judiciary in 1966 more than a shrug.

Action of Flatz: The landed bull

Now you could take the blood and testicular artists and their bloody excursions in the animal kingdom. Anyone who looks at the bought eight to sixteen ends in Suddeutschirtenhausern and provincial butts, the Scheel’s eyes look as a wall decorations on the lunch, can see in Flatz and colleagues at most provocateurs of paradoxical differentiations — not far from the Althollandic butchers who love animal still life, their bloody art a high. All this is convenient today and lightweight for the art business without the fundamental knowledge of Adolf Frohder: "Blood is the flebend. Blood is life and death. … Blood is red with most living beings. Blood means in the Russian language at the same time "beautiful". In this way, the blood comes alone about the asthetics in the fine art… Even the artists beat yes wounds — they should beat them. Who beats wounds, should also see blood…. The modern media overflow us with sacrifice notes."

That’s why the ritual is none more than self-reflection. Wolfgang Flatz is such a curve, although there is already enough blood and flowed to help beyond his metaphoric finishes to the awareness. Or is he in the tradition of self-proclamant, who even punished himself hard for their sundes, to find grace in a lending god to spare them from the plague? Artaud gave the slogan "cruelty" However, if he did not want to highlight the identification of horror by the staged terror alone with blood: "… You can imagine a pure cruelty, without gratification of the meat,." Be a cruelty "not equal to shit blood, with martyrmeat and crucified enemy".

Those art that supposedly believes to drive out the devil through Beelzebub, should reflect about why they do not manage people to go for end-to-finals that the taboo improvement around his himself will no longer have any consciousness extension.


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